Holtrop T., Van Der Woerd H.J., Soja-Woźniak M., and Huisman J., Semi-analytical Retrieval of Phytoplankton Community Structure from Remotely Sensed Observations in the Eastern Australian Current. (under review)

Soja-Woźniak M., Holtrop T., Woutersen S., Van Der Woerd H.J., Lund-Hansen L.C. and Huisman J., Loss of sea ice alters light spectra for aquatic photosynthesis. (under review)


Konik, M., Bradtke, K., Stoń-Egiert, J., Soja-Woźniak, M., Śliwińska-Wilczewska, S., Darecki, M., Cyanobacteria Index as a Tool for the Satellite Detection of Cyanobacteria Blooms in the Baltic Sea. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 1601. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15061601


Soja-Woźniak M., Clementson L., Wojtasiewicz B., Baird M., Estimation of the global distribution of phytoplankton light absorption from pigment concentrations,  Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC018494; https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JC018494

Baird M., Dutkiewicz S., Hickman A., Mongin M., Soja-Wozniak M., Skerratt J., and Wild-Allen K., (2022) Modeling phytoplankton processes in multiple functional types. In CLEMENTSON, Advances in Phytoplankton Ecology. Elsevier; https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822861-6.00016-9.


Baird M., Wild-Allen K., Parslow J., Mongin M., Robson B., Skerratt J., Rizwi F., Soja-Wozniak M., et al., (2020) CSIRO Environmental Modelling Suite (EMS): scientific description of the optical and biogeochemical models (vB3p0). Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 4503–4553; https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-4503-2020

Soja‐Woźniak, M., Laiolo, L., Baird, M., Matear, R., Clementson, L., Schroeder, T., Doblin, M., Suthers, I. (2020) Effect of phytoplankton community size structure on remote-sensing reflectance and chlorophyll a products. J. Mar. Syst; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2020.103400 


Soja‐Woźniak, M., Baird, M., Schroeder, T., Qin, Y., Clementson, L., Baker, B., et al. ( 2019). Particulate backscattering ratio as an indicator of changing particle composition in coastal waters: Observations from Great Barrier Reef waters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 5485– 5502; https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JC014998

Skerratt J., Mongin M., Baird M., Wild-Allen K., Robson B., Schaffelke B., Davies C. H., Richardson A. J., Margvelashvili N., Soja-Wozniak M., Steven A. D. L., Simulated plankton and nutrient dynamics in the Great Barrier Reef (2011-2016). Journal of Marine Systems. 2019; 192:51-74; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.12.006


Baird M., Mongin M., Rizwi F., Bay L. K., Cantin N. E.,  Soja-Wozniak M.,  Skerratt J. , A mechanistic model of coral bleaching due to temperature-mediated light-driven reactive oxygen build-up in zooxanthallae: application across the Great Barrier Reef, Ecological Modelling. 2018; 385:20-37; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2018.07.013

Laiolo L., Matear R., Baird M. E., Soja-Woźniak M., Doblin M., Information content of in situ and remotely sensed chlorophyll-a: learning from size-structured phytoplankton model simulations, Journal of Marine Systems (2018), Volume 183, July 2018, Pages 1-12; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.03.005 


Baird M. E., Andrewartha J., Herzfeld M., Jones E., Margvelashvili N., Mongin M., Rizwi F., Skerratt J., Soja-Wozniak M., Wild-Allen K., Schroeder T., Robson B., da Silva E., and Devlin M., River plumes of the Great Barrier Reef: freshwater, sediment and optical footprints quantified by the eReefs modelling system; 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (2017); https://www.mssanz.org.au/modsim2017/L22/baird.pdf

Soja-Woźniak M., Darecki M., Wojtasiewicz B., Bradtke K. M., Laboratory measurements of remote sensing reflectance of selected phytoplankton species from the Baltic Sea; Oceanologia (2017); http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oceano.2017.08.001

Heuzé C., Carvajal G., Eriksson L., and Soja-Woźniak M.,Sea surface currents from spaceborne infrared images validated against reanalysis data and drifters in the Mediterranean Sea; Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 422; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9050422

Soja-Woźniak M., Craig S. E., Wojtasiewicz B., Kratzer S., Darecki M., Jones C. T., A Novel Statistical Approach for Ocean Colour Estimation of Inherent Optical Properties and Cyanobacteria Abundance in Optically Complex Waters ; Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 343; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9040343


Carvajal G., Woźniak M. Heuzé C., Eriksson L., Kronsell J., Rydberg B., Assessment of satellite and ground-based estimates of surface currents,  Peer reviewed conference paper, 36th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2016; Beijing; China; 10-15 July 2016

Woźniak M., Bradtke K. M., Darecki M., Krężel A., Empirical Model for Phycocyanin Concentration Estimation as an Indicator of Cyanobacterial Bloom in the Optically Complex Coastal Waters of the Baltic Sea; Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 212; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8030212


Woźniak M., Identification of the dominant phytoplankton groups in the algal blooms in the waters of the Baltic Sea using remote sensing methods. PhD thesis, Gdynia 2014 (in Polish). Rozprawa doktorska Monika Woźniak Abstract in English abstract_MonikaWozniak

Woźniak M., Bradtke K. M., and Krężel A., Comparison of satellite chlorophyll a algorithms for the Baltic Sea, J. Appl. Remote Sens. 8(1)., 2014 https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JRS.8.083605


Krężel A., Paszkuta M., Bradtke K., Wojtasiewicz B., Woźniak M., Use of SEVIRI data in a simple model of light transmission through the atmosphere over the Baltic Sea, Proceedings of VI International Conference Current Problems in Optics of Natural Waters (ONW), 2011, 187-189.

Woźniak M., Darecki M., Bradtke K. M., and Krężel A., Use of hyperspectral remote sensing reflectance for identification of Baltic Sea Phytoplankton species, Proceedings of VI International Conference Current Problems in Optics of Natural Waters (ONW), 2011, 110-112.


Woźniak M. and Krężel A., Sea surface temperature retrieval from MSG/SEVIRI data in the Baltic Sea area, Oceanologia, 52(3), 2010, pp.331-344 Wozniak M.

Woźniak M., Krężel A., Darecki M., Wojtasiewicz B., Optical Properties of Baltic Sea phytoplankton, Proceedings Ocean Optics XX, Anchorage, AK, USA, 2010